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PCS Checklists and Tips & Tricks Guides

Information to help you organize, prepare, and complete the PCS process as smoothly as possible.

PCS Checklists

Checklists to guide you through the PCS process from getting orders to unpacking and completing your damage claim.

PCS Binder Checklist

Checklist of items to collect for your PCS binder and keep on hand throughout your move.

PDF Collection

Collection of all Tips & Tricks Guides and Checklists in PDF format for downloading to reference in the future.

General Guide

Collection of overarching tips and tricks to guide you through the PCS process.

Move Preparations

Information to help you prepare your house and family for the move.

Moving Day

Guidance on how to best prepare for and navigate your packing and moving days.

Unloading Day

Information on how to prepare your new residence and ensure unloading days goes smoothly. Best to read before moving.

Personal Procurement Move (PPM)

Information on required documentation and how to conduct the move yourself.

Moving with Children

Collection of advice on how to prepare your child(ren), paperwork to obtain, things to pack, and how to make the move exciting for them.

Moving with Pets

Information on planning your move with a pet. Contains information regarding OCONUS and travel restrictions. Consider reading before you submit your dream sheet.

Road Trip Planning

Advice on how to maximize the drive to your new duty station.

Moving with Children (abbreviated version)

A condensed version of Moving with Children guidance.

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