Damage Claim Process
Sometimes there will be broken or damaged items during your Household Goods (HHG) move. The information below will help guide you through the process of filing the various types of damage claims. Note that if you are conducting a full PPM, you are not eligible to submit a damage claim. Also, be sure to check out Military One Source’s Claim page.
There are four types of claims you can submit:
4. POV Claims
Personal Property
If any of your personal property was damaged by the TSP during the move process, you can file a damage claim. It is recommended that you take pictures of all your HHGs in preparation for your move. These pictures will help settle damage claim disputes. In addition to all the information contained on this page, check out the Personal Property Claims Fact Sheet from DPS.
There are two different settlement options:
2. Traditional
When you are receiving your goods, ensure you are keeping an eye out for damage. Any items you notice that are damaged, take the following pictures:
Picture of the entire item. Make sure the damage is visible.
Picture of the item with the moving tag number.
Zoomed in picture of the damage.
Quick Settlement
Quick Settlement can only be completed if the delivering TSP offers so. It is completed outside of DPS to promptly resolve loss or damage to critical HHG items, i.e., damage to a crib to the point that it is unusable. Paperwork is submitted directly to the TSP as per their process and payment is made within five days. Any item settled this way cannot be claimed later with a traditional damage claim.
Traditional Damage Claim Process
The following steps outline the process for filing a damage claim. Check out the Damage Claim job aid to help you gather all the required information during the unloading process so you sail through the damage claim process.
1. Submit a Loss Damage Report (LDR) notice to the TSP within 180 calendar days of the delivery date. Note you do not need to submit an LDR if you are submitting your full damage claim within the 180 calendar days. You can submit an LDR in two ways:
Notification for Loss and Damage on the form provided by the delivery crew
Submit the Notification of Loss and Damage in DPS. You will need to collect the following to submit an LDR:
Loss/Damaged Item Name
Inventory Number
Damage Description
To create an LDR, use the following steps or check out the tutorial on the DPS website under “Quick Reference Guides, Claims Information, File a Loss Damage Report” in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Log into DPS.
Under your current shipment, click on “File a Claim.” It is on the far-right side of the screen.
Read and certify the claims disclaimer.
Click on “Create LDR.”
Verify your information and click next.
Enter the requested information regarding your unpacking.
Add each damaged item to the list using the “Add Item” button in the bottom left-hand corner.
Submit your LDR.
2. File a claim within 9 months of your delivery date. Before you log into DPS to file your claim, use this Damage Claim job aid to gather the needed information for each item.
Item Name
Inventory Number
Item and Damage Description
If the item was acquired used or as a gift
Loss Type: Damaged or Missing
Year Acquired
Replacement Cost/Value
Purchase Cost
To File a Damage Claim, use the following steps or check out the tutorial on the DPS website under “Quick Reference Guides, Claims Information, File a Claim” in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Log into DPS
Under your current shipment, click on “File a Claim.” It is on the far-right side of the screen.
Read and certify the claims disclaimer.
Click on “Create Claim.” It will be on the right side of the screen.
You will be brought to a create claim screen. Verify the shipment information details and update the mandated fields in the “Claim Info” box.
Save your claim by using the “Save Claim” button at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. You should see a green box appear at the top of the page saying, “Your Claim has been successfully saved.” You will also be provided a claim number in a yellow box. If not, contact the DPS support desk.
Now you can add items to your claim. Proceed to the bottom of the screen and click on the “+ Add Item” button in the lower-left corner.
A pop-up box will appear. Fill in the fields. Mandatory fields will have a red asterisk next to them, with the information you collected about each item.
Once you have filled in all the fields, click on “Save” or “Save and Add Another” at the bottom left-hand corner of the box.
Repeat until you have added all your damaged or missing items. On the final item, click “Save.”
To upload images of the damage, use the “Action” button on the right-hand of the screen listed next to the individual item. Click on “Upload” and select “Item Miscellaneous” as the document type. Use the “Browse Button” to locate the local file. Click “Upload” once ready to submit the local file.
Use the upload button at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to upload a copy of the Loss and Damage at Delivery Report if you chose to note damage or missing items on the report.
Once you are done adding all your items, press the “Submit to TSP” button on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Note: once you have submitted your claim to the TSP, no other items can be added.
An acknowledgment box will pop up. Press “Confirm Submit Claim to TSP” to submit the claim.
On the claim page, a green box at the top of the page should appear stating, “Your Claim has been successfully submitted”
3. The TSP now has 15 calendar days to confirm the receipt of your claim. Be ready to provide pictures of all the items to the TSP. Take the time to label the pictures according to how you label the items in the DPS system.
The TSP may send someone to inspect the damage or hire someone to come out and repair the damage.
The TSP has 30 days to deny or make an offer to settle the claim for claims valued at $1,000 or less. The TSP has 60 days for claims valued at over $1,000.
4. The TSP should provide an itemized list for their offer. You may choose to accept or reject the entire offer or accept or reject the offer for each individual item. Do not feel pressured to accept an offer unless you are completely satisfied.
To accept or reject an offer, you will use the claims system in DSP. Check out pages 16-17 of the DoD Claims User Guide under “Quick Reference Guides, Claims Information, DoD Claims User Guide,” or follow the steps below:
Log into DPS
Navigate to your Claim page.
Next to each item, there is a “Actions” drop-down menu. Select “Details.”
A pop-up window will appear. Here you can click accept offer or counter-offer. If you select counter-offer, you will be required to enter the offer-type and counter-offer amount.
Click “Submit Response to TSP” once you have selected your action.
DPS sends the information directly to the TSP.
The TSP has 30 calendar days to make payment or repairs to the item. The TSP has 20 calendar days to hire a repair company, if needed.
If you are not fully satisfied, contact the Coast Guard’s Military Claims Office:
Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Phone: 757-628-4212
Email: D05-SMB-HHG@uscg.mil
Mailing Address:
Legal Service Command
300 E. Main Street, Suite 400
Norfolk, VA 23510-9100
Website: https://www.uscg.mil/Resources/Legal/LSC/Household-Goods-Claims/
Residential Damage Claim
If your residence is damaged by the TSP during the move process, you can file a residential damage claim.
Ensure you conduct a pre and post-walk-through of your residence with the TSP. Note existing damage during the pre-walk-through. Take pictures of any damage during the post-walk-through.
Note any damage on the TSPs origin/destination residence inspection report and call the TSP directly to begin the claims process. You may be asked to fill out a DP3 Real Property Damage Form.
Contact your local transportation office or military claims office.
Inconvenience Claim
An inconvenience claim is designed to offset costs you have occurred because of the Transportation Service Provider’s:
Inability to pick up your shipment upon the agreed date.
Failure to deliver on or before the required delivery date, provided you are in possession of the delivery residence and able to receive the delivery. The required delivery date is automatically produced by DPS when creating your shipment.
Your TSP places your shipment into storage in transit without you being notified.
You have requested your shipment be released from storage, and the TSP is unable to deliver based on the following guidelines:
Within seven government business dates from the date you first contact the TSP regarding delivery. Example: You call on May 10th, but the TSP is unable to deliver until May 20th.
Within two days when you request the delivery more than seven government business days out. For example, you call on May 10th and ask for delivery on May 19th, but the TSP cannot deliver until the 21st.
The TSP will notify you if a delay is expected and you are able to file an inconvenience claim. You must notify the TSP within 5 days of your intent to file a claim. You will be reimbursed for per diem and expenses relating to the purchase of HHG items while awaiting your HHGs. Ensure you keep an itemized list and receipts of purchases that occur after your required delivery date.
Check out the Inconvenience Claims Sheet from the Defense Personal Property Management Office.
Personally Owned Vehicle Claims
This type of claim is for when you have shipped your car to, from, or between OCONUS locations. You have two methods of filing POV damage claims:
1. Onsite at the Vehicle Processing Center if the value of the claim is less than $1,500.
2. Obtain an estimate from a repair facility and submit it to International Auto Logistics claims office. Check out all their claims information at PCSmyPOV.