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General PCS Tips and Tricks

Created based on the recommendations of military families.

Getting Started

  • Start early. Especially if you’re going OCONUS.

  • Talk to your Ombudsman or Relocation specialist. Ask for resources.

  • Ask sponsor for Welcome Letter and local resources available.

  • Talk to spouses who have lived at your new station. Ask questions. Join social media pages.

Service Member Preparation

  • Make copies of awards and qualifications that are being packed.

  • Ensure all uniform items needed to check-in at the next station are set aside before movers start packing.

  • If hand-carrying medical record, ensure it is in the do not pack section. 

General Thoughts

  • PCS move is stressful for the whole family. Try to remember you’re a team, and make it an adventure to remember. 

  • Consider collecting a memento to celebrate and remember each move (Christmas ornament, wall sign/decor, jewelry charm, etc.).

  • Have fun and make it a road trip. 

  • Give yourself plenty of travel time. 

  • Start living out of suitcases several days ahead of time so that there is enough time to get laundry done to pack everything clean.

  • Be flexible. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

  • Save boxes for expensive items like TVs.

  • Save your receipts for big-ticket items (TV, furniture, mattress, washer/dryer, etc).  


  • If OCONUS move, ensure passports are up to date.
  • Make a folder or binder to hold all of your important PCS documents i.e. orders, school transcripts, medical records, move paperwork, weight tickets, etc. (Check out the PCS Binder page)

  • Have a checklist to ensure PCS items are getting completed. (PCS Checklist)

  • Document everyone you talk to; name/dates/time/employee ID. This will help if anything happens or you are given misinformation.

  • Inform medical office personnel of the move. Sign medical release forms.

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