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Orders Process

Overview of the timeline and order process for enlisted members and officers.

Getting Executable Orders

Flow chart to guide you through the process of turning your initial orders into official executable orders so you can complete the move process in the Defense Personal Property System.

Setting up Your Move

Guide and information on how to navigate through the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) to set up your household good move. 

Process post DPS Submission

Information regarding the process that will happen once you submit your DPS request.

Household Goods Weight

Information regarding your maximum household goods weight and how to ask for a reweigh of your goods. 

Shipping Vehicles

Information and regulations regarding shipping vehicles OCONUS and CONUS.

Understanding Move Forms

Information regarding required move forms, what to watch out for, and how to complete them on moving day.

Damage Claim Process

Information and tips regarding how to complete the damage claim process.

PCS Process Overview

The following pages will guide you through the PCS process, from getting orders to filing damage claims after you receive your household goods at your new residence. The pages are set up in chronological order but note that many of the topics occur simultaneously. 

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