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House Preparations

  • Be prepared for the moving company to do something different than your last company. 

  • Create a “Do not pack space” and clearly mark the space. Consider locking the space, if able, or packing it into your car.

  • If able, have children and pets out of the house on packing and loading day. 

  • Enlist the help of friends and family to supervise movers. 

Working with the Movers

  • Feed and/ or provide drinks for the movers. (not required but appreciated)

  • Treat the movers with respect and maintain a positive mentality. Movers’ motivation to do a good job will decrease if you treat them poorly.

  • Remember your packing and load crew will not be your unloading crew. 

  • Ensure movers are treating your household goods with care. 

  • Watch the movers pack your electronics.

End of the Day

  • Ensure you know the location of the parts box.

  • Take a solid walkthrough of the house before the movers leave.

  • Put contact information on or in boxes in case the shipment gets separated.

  • Consider using colored masking tape to mark each room and its boxes. It will cut down on confusion while unpacking. 

Move Forms

  • Put anything that you consider high value on the high-value item list, even if it may not meet the criteria. 
  • Have the movers consult you before marking any damage on the inventory list. 

  • Take the time to closely review the inventory list. Ensure it is legible and only the items that have actual damage have been noted. Question any mass markings of damage.

  • Check out Move Form Page.

Moving Day Tips & Tricks

Created based on the recommendations of military families.

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