The orders process is a complex process that begins almost a year before the physical transfer between units happens. This page provides an abbreviated and general overview of the timeline of the orders process. Members should consult the Office of Enlisted Personnel Management (EPM) and Office of Officer Personnel Management (OPM) for more details regarding the orders process. Additionally, members should consult with their chain of command for guidance. The process below is not for those coming out of boot camp, OCS, CG Academy, or “A” school.
Each assignment year (AY) starts the year before the actual transfer season happens, i.e., AY21 started in May of 2020. The AY starts off with kick-off messages from EPM and OPM outlining the timeline of the AY21 and provides members with an understanding of the process and milestones. Members should be on the lookout for these messages.
PCS Orders Process
Information about the PCS Orders process from the start of the assignment year till receiving orders.
Enlisted Members
Enlisted members generally receive orders based on assignment priority. However, there are numerous specialty assignments that are not issued through the assignment priority process. Members should keep an eye out for information regarding these assignments on the enlisted message page and EPM-2 Assignment Officer portal pages (CAC required).
The general timeline for enlisted members is:
May to August: Assignment Officers are available for career counseling.
September: The unofficial billet list is published to be validated by commands.
Late September: The official billet list is published.
Early November: PCS e-resumes are due for most rates. *Members should check with their assignment officer for more information.
Late November: Assignment Officers begin issuing orders based on assignment priority.
All orders should be issued by April 1st.
Officer Members
Officers generally receive orders in a hierarchical fashion. The list of available billets that officers can apply for become available at two different times. Specialty billets requiring extra screening are released in early summer, requiring interested members to apply by mid-summer. The general list of billets becomes available in late summer, requiring members to submit their e-resume list by September 1st.
There are numerous factors, too many to discuss here, that can affect when a member receives orders. In general, orders start being issued in December with Captains. Commanders receive orders in January, Lieutenant Commanders in February, and Lieutenants and Lieutenant Junior Grades receiving orders in March. All orders should be issued by April 1st. Please reference the OPM-2 assignment page and specific specialty detailer pages for the most up-to-date information.