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Condensed Moving with Children Tips & Tricks

Created based on the recommendations of military families.

Your Mindset is Key

  • Talk about the move leading up to it - the process and the new location.

  • Focus on the positive aspects and model positivity. Kids will feed off of your mindset.  

  • Treat the move like an adventure.

  • Be flexible, stay calm, and be prepared for the unexpected.

  • Involve children when possible.

  • Let kids experience their emotions and support them through them.

  • Ask for help when needed and accept it when offered. 

Kids Playing Tug of War

Medical & Paperwork

  • Make sure all medical appointments are up to date.

  • Get (hand-carry) immunization, school, medical records, and birth certificate.

  • Schedule any doctor/dentist/specialist appointments at the new location. (lead time is usually a while for new patients).

Move Preparations

  • Consider donating unused clothes and toys (involve kids if possible).

  • Organize toys and clothes, so they get packed together.

  • Put small toys in gallon ziplock bags.

  • Have kids pack their own backpacks of special items to take with them.

What to Pack

  • Plan to be without your HHG for longer than you think. 

  • Pack extra clothes (bring more than you think you need). Consider weather.

  • Ensure you pack your child’s special items i.e. favorite toy, stuffed animal, etc. 

  • Travel with all baby essentials that you need for a few weeks.

Car Ride/ Trip Planning

  • Plan and book ahead! Consider if you’re stopping for any adventures along the way. 

  • Make a vacation out of the trip.

  • Be prepared with activities, snacks, and entertainment. Bring more than you think you need.


  • Maintain routines for as long as possible leading up to the move.
  • If possible, have the child(ren) elsewhere when movers are at the house (babysitters, friend’s house, hotel, etc.) during packing and unpacking. 

  • CGMA has some funding for childcare during the move. 

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